RealmAbandonedAuthenticationEvent |
An event indicating that authentication was abandoned before it could complete.
RealmAuthenticationEvent |
A realm authentication event.
RealmAuthorizationEvent |
A realm authorization event.
RealmDefiniteOutcomeAuthenticationEvent |
An authentication event with a definite outcome.
RealmEvent |
An event which is potentially relevant to a realm.
RealmEventVisitor |
A class which provides an easy way to handle realm events based on the type of the event.
RealmFailedAuthenticationEvent |
A realm event signifying a failed authentication.
RealmIdentityAuthorizationEvent |
An event indicating that one identity attempted to authorize as another identity.
RealmIdentityFailedAuthorizationEvent |
An event indicating that one identity attempted to authorize as another identity.
RealmIdentitySuccessfulAuthorizationEvent |
An event indicating that one identity attempted to authorize as another identity.
RealmSuccessfulAuthenticationEvent |
A realm event signifying authentication success.
SecurityAuthenticationEvent |
A security authentication event.
SecurityAuthenticationFailedEvent |
An event to represent a failed authentication.
SecurityAuthenticationSuccessfulEvent |
An event to represent a successful authentication.
SecurityDefiniteOutcomeEvent |
A SecurityEvent that has a definite outcome of being successful or not.
SecurityEvent |
SecurityEventVisitor |
An abstract class to be extended by visitor implementations for handling SecurityEvents.
SecurityPermissionCheckEvent |
A security event relating to a permission check.
SecurityPermissionCheckFailedEvent |
An event to represent a failed permission check.
SecurityPermissionCheckSuccessfulEvent |
An event to represent a successful permission check.
SecurityRealmUnavailableEvent |
A security event signifying unavailable realm.
SyslogAuditEvent |
An abstract class to be extended by specific syslog audit events to be handled.