All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractActionPermission<This extends AbstractActionPermission<This>> |
An abstract base class for named permissions that have actions, with useful API and implementation methods.
AbstractActionSetPermission<This extends AbstractActionSetPermission<This>> |
An abstract base class for permissions which use a bit set to represent actions.
AbstractAlgorithmParametersSpiImpl<P extends AlgorithmParameterSpec> |
AbstractAnonymousFactory |
A base class for the anonymous factories to verify from the properties supplied if anonymous
can be used.
AbstractBooleanPermission<This extends AbstractBooleanPermission<This>> |
A base class for nameless and actionless permissions that are either granted or not granted.
AbstractCredentialCallback |
Abstract base class for credential callbacks.
AbstractDelegatingSaslClient |
An abstract base for SaslClient instances which delegate to another SaslClient .
AbstractDelegatingSaslClientFactory |
An abstract base for SaslClientFactory instances which delegate to another SaslClientFactory .
AbstractDelegatingSaslServer |
An abstract base for SaslServer instances which delegate to another SaslServer .
AbstractDelegatingSaslServerFactory |
An abstract base for SaslServerFactory instances which delegate to another SaslServerFactory .
AbstractDelegatingSSLContextSpi |
An SSL context SPI implementation which delegates to another SSL context.
AbstractDelegatingSSLEngine |
AbstractDelegatingSSLParameters |
AbstractDelegatingSSLServerSocket |
AbstractDelegatingSSLServerSocketFactory |
AbstractDelegatingSSLSessionContext |
AbstractDelegatingSSLSocket |
AbstractDelegatingSSLSocketFactory |
AbstractDigestFactory |
AbstractDigestMechanism |
AbstractDigestMechanism.FORMAT |
AbstractGssapiFactory |
Common factory for the GSSAPI mechanism.
AbstractGssapiMechanism |
Base class for the SaslServer and SaslClient implementations implementing the GSSAPI mechanism as defined by RFC 4752
AbstractGssapiMechanism.QOP |
AbstractMechanismAuthenticationFactory<M,F,E extends Exception> |
AbstractMechanismAuthenticationFactory.Builder<M,F,E extends Exception> |
AbstractNamedPermission<This extends AbstractNamedPermission<This>> |
An abstract base class for named permissions with useful API and implementation methods.
AbstractNameOnlyPermission<This extends AbstractNameOnlyPermission<This>> |
A permission which has a name only, and no actions.
AbstractNameSetOnlyPermission<This extends AbstractNameSetOnlyPermission<This>> |
An actionless permission with a finite, fixed set of possible names.
AbstractPasswordImpl |
AbstractPermission<This extends AbstractPermission<This>> |
An abstract base class for any permission.
AbstractPermissionCollection |
Base class for useful permission collections.
AbstractSaslClient |
A base class for SASL client implementations.
AbstractSaslFactory |
Abstract SASL factory base class.
AbstractSaslParticipant |
A common base class for SASL participants.
AbstractSaslServer |
A base class for SASL client implementations.
AbstractX509CertificateChainCredential |
AccessAndIDTokenResponse |
A representation of an OpenID Connect token response that contains both an access token
and an ID token as per the OpenID Connect Core 1.0
AccessDescription |
An access description for the authority information access and subject information access extensions.
AccessToken |
Representation of an access token.
Acme |
AcmeAccount |
AcmeAccount.Builder |
AcmeChallenge |
AcmeChallenge.Type |
An Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) challenge type.
AcmeChallenge.UnknownType |
An unknown challenge type.
AcmeClientSpi |
AcmeException |
AcmeMetadata |
AcmeMetadata.Builder |
AcmeResource |
AddGlobalSecurityProviderAction |
A security action to add a global security provider.
AddPrefixRoles |
AddressClaimSet |
AddShutdownHookAction |
A security action which adds a shutdown hook.
AddSuffixRoles |
AggregateAttributes |
An implementation of Attributes aggregating multiple instances.
AggregateSaslClientFactory |
AggregateSaslServerFactory |
AggregateSecurityRealm |
A realm which directs authentication to one realm and authorization to another.
AggregateSecurityRealm.Identity |
AggregateServerMechanismFactory |
AlgorithmCredential |
A credential which has an associated algorithm name.
AlgorithmEvidence |
A piece of evidence which supports multiple algorithms.
AliasFilter |
AndCipherSuitePredicate |
AnonymousAuthorizationCallback |
A callback to authorize anonymous authentication.
AnonymousClientFactory |
The client factory for the anonymous SASL mechanism.
AnonymousPrincipal |
The singleton anonymous principal.
AnonymousSaslClient |
A client implementation of the RFC 4505 ANONYMOUS mechanism.
AnonymousSaslServer |
A server implementation of the RFC 4505 ANONYMOUS mechanism.
AnonymousServerFactory |
The server factory for the anonymous SASL mechanism.
ArrayIterator<E> |
A read-only iterator over an array.
ASN1 |
A class that contains ASN.1 constants and utilities.
ASN1Decoder |
An interface for decoding ASN.1 encoded values from an input stream.
ASN1Encodable |
ASN1Encoder |
An interface for encoding ASN.1 values.
ASN1Exception |
An exception that indicates that ASN.1 encoding or decoding has failed due to invalid input.
AtomicFileOutputStream |
AtomicFileOutputStream.State |
AtomicLoadKeyStore |
A KeyStore wrapper that makes the load operation atomic, in addition it also gives the ability to reverse the load
AtomicLoadKeyStore.LoadKey |
An opaque key representing an atomic keystore state.
AtomicLoadKeyStoreSpi |
AttributeMapper |
AttributeMapping |
Definition of a mapping from LDAP to an Elytron attribute.
AttributeMapping.Builder |
Attributes |
A collection of string attributes.
Attributes.Entry |
The entry collection for a mapping.
Attributes.SetEntry |
The entry collection for a mapping whose values are a distinct set.
AuditEndpoint |
An endpoint that receives audit messages.
AuditLogger |
The audit logger implementation.
AuditLogger.Builder |
A builder for audit logger instances.
AuthChallenge |
AuthenticatedActionsHandler |
Pre-installed actions that must be authenticated
Actions include:
CORS Origin Check and Response headers
k_query_bearer_token: Get bearer token from server for Javascripts CORS requests
Authentication |
The authentication type for SSL/TLS cipher suite selection.
AuthenticationCipherSuitePredicate |
AuthenticationCompleteCallback |
An optional callback indicating the success or failure of the authentication operation.
AuthenticationCompleteCallbackSaslClientFactory |
AuthenticationCompleteCallbackSaslServerFactory |
AuthenticationConfiguration |
A configuration which controls how authentication is performed.
AuthenticationConfiguration.ClientCallbackHandler |
AuthenticationContext |
A set of rules and authentication configurations to use with a client for establishing a connection.
AuthenticationContextConfigurationClient |
A client for consuming authentication context configurations.
AuthenticationContextSaslClient |
AuthenticationContextSaslClient |
AuthenticationContextSaslClientFactory |
AuthenticationContextSaslClientFactory |
AuthenticationContextSaslServer |
AuthenticationContextSaslServer |
AuthenticationContextSaslServerFactory |
AuthenticationContextSaslServerFactory |
AuthenticationError |
Indicates an OIDC related authentication error.
AuthenticationError.Reason |
AuthenticationException |
An exception indicating that an initial authentication (login) operation has failed.
AuthenticationMechanismException |
A network authentication mechanism exception.
AuthenticationTimeoutSaslServerFactory |
A SaslServerFactory which adds authentication timeout functionality to a delegate SaslServerFactory .
AuthenticationTimeoutSaslServerFactory.DelegatingTimeoutSaslServer |
AuthorityInformationAccessExtension |
AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension |
AuthorizationCheckException |
An exception indicating that an identity authorization check has failed.
AuthorizationException |
A general authorization exception.
AuthorizationFailureException |
An exception indicating that an authorization check failed for reasons not related to the actual authorization of
the identity.
AuthorizationIdentity |
A realm's authorization identity.
AvailableRealmsCallback |
A callback used to query a server participant for the names of realms that it is prepared to offer.
AvailableRealmsSaslServerFactory |
BaseHttpServerRequest |
BasicAuthenticationMechanism |
Implementation of the HTTP BASIC authentication mechanism
BasicAuthRequestAuthenticator |
BasicConstraintsExtension |
BasicMechanismFactory |
BasicPasswordSpecEncoding |
BCryptPassword |
A password using the "bcrypt" Blowfish-based one-way password encryption algorithm.
BCryptPasswordImpl |
Implementation of the bcrypt password.
BCryptPasswordImpl.BCryptState |
Class that represents the bcrypt state.
BCryptPasswordImpl.CyclicByteBuffer |
This class implements a cyclic byte buffer.
BearerMechanismFactory |
BearerTokenAuthenticationMechanism |
BearerTokenCredential |
A Credential that usually holds a bearer security token.
BearerTokenEvidence |
A piece of evidence that is comprised of a bearer security token.
BearerTokenRequestAuthenticator |
BooleanCipherSuitePredicate |
BooleanPermissionCollection |
A permission collection type which either does or does not hold its instance.
BSDUnixDESCryptPassword |
A BSD-style DES "crypt" password.
BSDUnixDESCryptPasswordImpl |
Implementation of the BSD variant of the Unix DES Crypt password.
ByNamePermissionCollection |
A permission collection for actionless permissions which are organized by name.
CacheableSecurityRealm |
CachedIdentity |
CachedIdentityAuthorizeCallback |
A callback that is capable of perform authorization based on the identities managed by an IdentityCache .
CachingModifiableSecurityRealm |
CachingSecurityRealm |
A wrapper class that provides caching capabilities for a SecurityRealm and its identities.
CallbackHandlerCredentialSource |
CallbackKind |
The kinds of callbacks which can be handled by the user's callback.
CallbackUtil |
Helper utility methods for callback handlers.
CaseNameRewriter |
A case name rewriter adjusts a principal to upper or lower case.
CertificateAuthority |
CertificatePoliciesExtension |
CertificatePoliciesExtension.PolicyInformation |
Policy information for the certificate policies extension.
CertificatePoliciesExtension.PolicyQualifier |
A qualifier for a policy information entry.
CertUtil |
A utility class with common methods used for generating certificate signing requests and self-signed certificates.
ChangeRoleMapperPermission |
The permission to change a role mapper category on a security identity.
ChannelBindingCallback |
A callback used to establish the channel binding for a security mechanism which supports it.
ChannelBindingSaslClientFactory |
ChannelBindingSaslServerFactory |
CipherSuitePredicate |
An opaque predicate which can be used to match SSL/TLS cipher suites.
CipherSuiteSelector |
An immutable filter for SSL/TLS cipher suites.
CipherSuiteSelector.AddingCipherSuiteSelector |
CipherSuiteSelector.FullyDeletingCipherSuiteSelector |
CipherSuiteSelector.PushToEndCipherSuiteSelector |
CipherSuiteSelector.RemovingCipherSuiteSelector |
CipherSuiteSelector.SortByAlgorithmKeyLengthCipherSuiteSelector |
CipherUtil |
A utility for using Cipher instances to encrypt and encode as well as decode and decrypt clear text Strings.
ClearContextClassLoaderAction |
A security action to clear the current thread context class loader.
ClearPassword |
A simple clear-text password.
ClearPasswordImpl |
ClearPasswordSpec |
A password specification for clear passwords.
ClearPropertyAction |
A security action which clears a system property.
ClientCertAuthenticationMechanism |
The CLIENT_CERT authentication mechanism.
ClientCertMechanismFactory |
ClientCredentialsProvider |
SPI for authenticating clients/applications.
ClientCredentialsProviderUtils |
ClientIdAndSecretCredentialsProvider |
Traditional OAuth2 authentication of clients based on client_id and client_secret
ClientSaslWrapper |
A SaslWrapper which encapsulates a SaslClient .
ClientSecretCredentialsProvider |
A client secret credentials provider.
ColumnMapper |
A column mapper is responsible to provide the mapping between a column in a table to some internal representation.
Command |
Base command class
CommandCredentialSource |
CommandCredentialSource.Builder |
A builder for a command credential source.
Common |
Common methods and attributes shared by both utilities.
CompositePrincipal |
A composite principal that consists of multiple elements of possibly disparate type.
ConfiguredSSLContextSpi |
ConfiguredSSLEngine |
An SSL engine which is pre-configured with a specific protocol and cipher suite selection.
ConfiguredSSLServerSocket |
An SSL server socket which is pre-configured with a specific protocol and cipher suite selection.
ConfiguredSSLServerSocketFactory |
ConfiguredSSLSocket |
An SSL socket which is pre-configured.
ConfiguredSSLSocketFactory |
CorsHeaders |
Constants related to CORS.
CreateTempFileAction |
A security action to create a temporary file.
CreateThreadAction |
A security action to create a thread.
Credential |
A credential is a piece of information that can be used to verify or produce evidence.
CredentialCallback |
A callback used to acquire credentials.
CredentialLoader |
Within LDAP credentials could be stored in different ways, splitting out a CredentialLoader allows different strategies to be
plugged into the realm.
CredentialPersister |
Within LDAP credentials could be stored in different ways, splitting out a CredentialPersister allows different strategies to
be plugged into the realm.
CredentialSaslServerFactory |
CredentialSource |
A source for credentials.
CredentialStore |
This class represents credential store functionality.
CredentialStore.CredentialSourceProtectionParameter |
A protection parameter which uses a credential source to acquire a credential to use.
CredentialStore.ProtectionParameter |
The protection parameter to use when accessing a credential store or entry.
CredentialStoreCommand |
Credential Store Command
Performs credential store related operations.
CredentialStoreCredentialSource |
CredentialStoreException |
CredentialStoreFactory |
Factory which can create instance of CredentialStore from supplied information.
CredentialStorePermission |
Credential Store API specific permission.
CredentialStoreSpi |
SPI for credential store provider to implement.
CredentialUpdateCallback |
A callback to inform the callback handler of a credential change.
CRLDistributionPoint |
A single distribution point specification.
CRLDistributionPoint.DistributionPointName |
Base class of distribution point names.
CRLDistributionPoint.FullNameDistributionPointName |
A full-name distribution point name.
CRLDistributionPoint.RelativeToCRLIssuerDistributionPointName |
A distribution point name which is relative to a CRL issuer name.
CRLDistributionPointsExtension |
DefaultAuthenticationContextProvider |
A lazily-initialized holder for the default authentication context.
DefaultSingleSignOn |
DefaultSingleSignOnEntry |
DefaultSingleSignOnManager |
DefaultSingleSignOnSession |
DefaultSingleSignOnSessionFactory |
DefaultSingleSignOnSessionIdentifierFactory |
Default factory for creating single sign-on identifiers.
DefaultTransformationMapper |
Default implementation of TransformationMapper interface.
DelegatingKeyStoreSpi |
DelegatingLdapContext |
Delegating LdapContext allowing redefine close and reconnect operations.
DelegatingLdapContext.CloseHandler |
DelegatingSSLContext |
An SSL context which delegates to a customized SPI implementation.
DERDecoder |
A class used to decode ASN.1 values that have been encoded using the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER).
DERDecoder.DecoderState |
A class used to maintain state information during DER decoding.
DEREncoder |
A class used to encode ASN.1 values using the Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER), as specified
in ITU-T X.690.
DEREncoder.LexicographicComparator |
A class that compares DER encodings using lexicographic order.
DEREncoder.TagComparator |
A class that compares DER encodings based on their tags.
DifferenceRoles |
Digest |
The digest algorithm type for SSL/TLS cipher suite selection.
DigestAuthenticationMechanism |
Implementation of the HTTP DIGEST authentication mechanism as defined in RFC 7616.
DigestCipherSuitePredicate |
DigestClientFactory |
DigestMechanismFactory |
DigestPassword |
Digest MD5 (pre-digested) password.
DigestPasswordAlgorithmParametersSpiImpl |
An implementation of the AlgorithmParametersSpi SPI, in order to support encoding and decoding of
password algorithm parameters.
DigestPasswordAlgorithmSpec |
A AlgorithmParameterSpec for a password represented by digesting it with a username and realm as defined by RFC2617 and
DigestPasswordImpl |
Pre-digested (DigestMD5) credential type implementation.
DigestPasswordSpec |
A PasswordSpec for a password represented by a Digest Response as seen in Digest-MD5 SASL/HTTP mechanism.
DigestQuote |
Utility class used to convert string to quoted strings
DigestSaslClient |
A client implementation of RFC 2831 DIGEST SASL mechanism.
DigestSaslServer |
A server implementation of RFC 2831 DIGEST SASL mechanism.
DigestServerFactory |
DigestUtil |
Common utility functions used by Digest authentication mechanisms.
DigestUtil |
Common utility functions used by Digest authentication mechanisms.
DigestUtil |
DirContextFactory |
Factory for obtaining connected DirContext instances.
DirContextFactory.ReferralMode |
The referral mode.
DirectEvidenceVerifier |
DisjunctionRoles |
DisposedCallbackSaslClientFactory |
DisposedCallbackSaslServerFactory |
DistributedSecurityRealm |
A realm for authentication and authorization of identities distributed between multiple realms.
ECPublicJWK |
An EC public JWK.
ElytronAuthenticator |
ElytronFilePasswordProvider |
An implementation of FilePasswordProvider which can provide the password to decrypt a private key using a
CredentialSource or Credential
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for the 'encryption' module.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages2 |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronMessages2 |
Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
ElytronPermission |
A general Elytron permission.
ElytronPermissionCollection |
Deprecated. |
ElytronTool |
Elytron Tool main class which drives all registered commands.
ElytronToolMessages |
Messages for Elytron tool.
ElytronXmlParser |
A parser for the Elytron XML schema.
ElytronXmlParser.AbstractLoadingKeyStoreFactory |
ElytronXmlParser.DeferredSupplier<T> |
ElytronXmlParser.FileLoadingKeyStoreFactory |
ElytronXmlParser.KeyStoreCreateFactory |
ElytronXmlParser.NullLoadingKeyStoreFactory |
ElytronXmlParser.PasswordKeyStoreFactory |
ElytronXmlParser.ResourceLoadingKeyStoreFactory |
ElytronXmlParser.TrustManagerBuilder |
ElytronXmlParser.UnknownTypeFileKeyStoreFactory |
ElytronXmlParser.URILoadingKeyStoreFactory |
ElytronXmlParser.Version |
EmptyProvider |
The singleton empty provider.
EmptyProvider |
The singleton empty provider.
Encoding |
List of supported hash encodings to use in security realms that support storing hashed passwords.
EncryptablePasswordSpec |
A password specification for clear passwords which are intended to be encrypted or hashed.
Encryption |
The encryption type for SSL/TLS cipher suite selection.
EncryptionCipherSuitePredicate |
Entity |
Constants for the ISO/IEC 9798-3 authentication SASL mechanism.
EntitySaslClient |
SaslClient for the ISO/IEC 9798-3 authentication mechanism as defined by
RFC 3163.
EntitySaslClientFactory |
The client factory for the ISO/IEC 9798-3 authentication SASL mechanism.
EntitySaslServer |
SaslServer for the ISO/IEC 9798-3 authentication mechanism as defined by
RFC 3163.
EntitySaslServerFactory |
The server factory for the ISO/IEC 9798-3 authentication SASL mechanism.
EntityUtil |
EnumerationIterator<E> |
An enumeration which is also an iterator.
EventPriority |
The priority level of an audit event.
Evidence |
A piece of evidence which may be used for credential verification.
EvidenceDecodePrincipalCallback |
A server-side Callback to pass the decoded evidence principal from the callback handler
to the authentication mechanism.
EvidenceDecoder |
A decoder for extracting a principal from evidence.
EvidenceVerifier |
An individual evidence verifier to associate with an LDAP SecurityRealm , multiple verifiers
can be associated with the realm allowing for different verification strategies to be applied to different named credentials.
EvidenceVerifyCallback |
A Callback for use where credential verification is required.
ExclusiveNameCallback |
A variation on NameCallback which allows exclusive access to the backing identity to be requested.
ExportCipherSuitePredicate |
ExtendedCallback |
A callback which provides extended information about its usage.
ExtendedChoiceCallback |
A variation on ChoiceCallback which supports the extended callback interface.
ExtendedKeyUsageExtension |
ExternalAuthenticationMechanism |
The EXTERNAL authentication mechanism.
ExternalMechanismFactory |
ExternalSaslClient |
ExternalSaslClientFactory |
Implementation of the SASL EXTERNAL client mechanism.
ExternalSaslServer |
ExternalSaslServerFactory |
Implementation of the SASL EXTERNAL server mechanism.
FactoryCredentialSource |
FailedSecurityFactory<T> |
A SecurityFactory implementation which only throws specified exception on create.
FailoverSecurityRealm |
A realm which wraps one realm and fails over to another in case the first is unavailable.
FastUnsupportedCallbackException |
A version of UnsupportedCallbackException which does not initialize a full stack trace, and thus is much
more efficient to construct.
FileAuditEndpoint |
An audit endpoint to record all audit events to a local file.
FileAuditEndpoint.Builder |
A builder for file audit endpoints.
FileSystemEncryptRealmCommand |
Elytron-Tool command to convert un-encrypted FileSystemRealms into an encrypted realm with the use of a SecretKey.
FileSystemEncryptRealmCommand.Descriptor |
FileSystemRealmCommand |
Elytron-Tool command to convert legacy properties file into a FileSystemRealm.
FileSystemRealmCommand.Descriptor |
FileSystemRealmUtil |
A utility class to utilize methods from the FileSystemSecurityRealm class for the Elytron Tool.
FileSystemSecurityRealm |
A simple filesystem-backed security realm.
FileSystemSecurityRealm.AutoCloseableXMLStreamReaderHolder |
FileSystemSecurityRealm.AutoCloseableXMLStreamWriterHolder |
FileSystemSecurityRealm.CredentialParseFunction |
FileSystemSecurityRealm.Identity |
FileSystemSecurityRealm.IntegrityResult |
FileSystemSecurityRealm.LoadedIdentity |
FileSystemSecurityRealm.Version |
FileSystemSecurityRealmBuilder |
FilteringKeyStore |
A KeyStore implementation that can wrap another key store instance and filter which aliases can actually be returned.
FilteringKeyStoreSpi |
A delegating key store implementation that allows for a predicate to be supplied to filter which aliases will actually be
FilterMechanismSaslClientFactory |
A SaslClientFactory which filters available mechanisms (either inclusively or exclusively) from a delegate
SaslClientFactory .
FilterMechanismSaslServerFactory |
A SaslServerFactory which filters available mechanisms (either inclusively or exclusively) from a delegate
SaslServerFactory .
FilterServerMechanismFactory |
FipsCipherSuitePredicate |
FixedSecurityFactory<T> |
A SecurityFactory implementation which returns specified object every time.
FlexibleIdentityAssociation |
A flexible identity association which can have its current identity modified.
FormAuthenticationMechanism |
A generic FORM authentication mechanism which is usable in a number of different scenarios.
FormMechanismFactory |
FreshestCRLExtension |
GeneralName |
A representation of an X.509 general name.
GeneralName.DirectoryName |
A directory name.
GeneralName.DNSName |
A DNS name.
GeneralName.EDIPartyName |
An EDI party name.
GeneralName.IPAddress |
An IP address.
GeneralName.OtherName |
A generic name.
GeneralName.RegisteredID |
A registered ID name.
GeneralName.RFC822Name |
An RFC 822 name.
GeneralName.URIName |
A URI name.
GeneralName.X400Address |
An X.400 address.
GetAccessControlContextAction |
A privileged action to get the current access control context.
GetAccessibleDeclaredFieldAction |
A privileged action which gets and returns a non-public field from a class.
GetClassLoaderAction |
A security action to get the class loader of a class.
GetContextClassLoaderAction |
An action which gets the current thread's context class loader.
GetEnvironmentAction |
A security action which retrieves the current environment variable map.
GetModuleClassLoaderAction |
A security action to get the class loader for a module.
GetProtectionDomainAction |
A security action to get the protection domain of a class.
GetSystemPropertiesAction |
A security action to retrieve the system properties map.
Gs2 |
Constants and utility methods for the GS2 mechanism family.
Gs2SaslClient |
SaslClient for the GS2 mechanism family as defined by
RFC 5801.
Gs2SaslClientFactory |
SaslClientFactory for the GS2 mechanism family as defined by RFC 5801.
Gs2SaslServer |
SaslServer for the GS2 mechanism family as defined by
RFC 5801.
Gs2SaslServerFactory |
SaslServerFactory for the GS2 mechanism family as defined by RFC 5801.
Gs2Util |
GssapiClient |
SaslClient for the GSSAPI mechanism as defined by RFC 4752
GssapiClientFactory |
SaslClientFactory for the GSSAPI mechanism as defined by RFC 4752
GssapiServer |
SaslServer for the GSSAPI mechanism as defined by RFC 4752
GssapiServerFactory |
SaslServerFactory for the GSSAPI mechanism as defined by RFC 4752
GSSCredentialSecurityFactory |
GSSCredentialSecurityFactory |
GSSCredentialSecurityFactory.Builder |
A builder for GSS credential security factories.
GSSCredentialSecurityFactory.Builder |
A builder for GSS credential security factories.
GSSKerberosCredential |
A credential for holding a GSSCredential and optionally an associated KerberosTicket .
HardcodedPublicKeyLocator |
A hardcoded public key locator.
HashPasswordSpec |
A password specification for a password represented by a hash.
HttpAuthenticationException |
Exception to indicate a general failure with the HTTP authentication mechanism.
HttpAuthenticationFactory |
HttpAuthenticationFactory |
HttpAuthenticationFactory.Builder |
A builder for SASL server factory configurations.
HttpAuthenticationFactory.Builder |
A builder for SASL server factory configurations.
HttpAuthenticator |
A HTTP based authenticator responsible for performing the authentication of the current request based on the policies of the
associated SecurityDomain .
HttpAuthenticator.Builder |
A Builder to configure and create an instance of HttpAuthenticator .
HttpClientBuilder |
Abstraction for creating HttpClients.
HttpClientBuilder.HostnameVerificationPolicy |
HttpClientBuilder.PassthroughTrustManager |
HttpClientBuilder.VerifierWrapper |
HttpConstants |
Constants used within HTTP based authentication.
HttpExchangeSpi |
The SPI to be implemented to bridge the Elytron APIs with the available APIs
of the web server being integrated with.
HttpScope |
An attachment scope for use by an authentication mechanism.
HttpScopeNotification |
Interface providing information about scope notifications.
HttpScopeNotification.SessionNotificationType |
HttpServerAuthenticationMechanism |
Definition of a server side HTTP authentication mechanism.
HttpServerAuthenticationMechanismFactory |
Factory to create authentication mechanisms.
HttpServerCookie |
Server side representation of a HTTP Cookie.
HttpServerMechanismsResponder |
A responder for sending either authentication challenges or responses as a result of successful authentication back to the
calling client.
HttpServerRequest |
Server side representation of a HTTP request.
HttpServerRequestWrapper |
A wrapper delegating any request to the delegated implementation.
HttpServerResponse |
Server side representation of a HTTP response.
HttpServerScopes |
Interface providing access to context specific HttpScope instances.
IdentityCache |
An identity cache is responsible to provide a specific caching strategy for identities.
IdentityCredentialCallback |
A callback to inform a server authentication mechanism of a credential which may be cached on the authentication
identity (if any).
IdentityCredentialLoader |
IdentityCredentialPersister |
IdentityCredentials |
The public or private credentials retained by an identity, which can be used for authentication forwarding.
IdentityCredentials.Key |
IdentityCredentials.Many |
IdentityCredentials.One |
IdentityCredentials.Two |
IdentityEvidenceVerifier |
IdentitySharedExclusiveLock |
A simple shared/exclusive lock for a realm identity.
IDToken |
ImmutableSingleSignOn |
An immutable view of a cached single sign-on entry.
InhibitAnyPolicyExtension |
IntegrityException |
Exception to indicate a general failure related to the Integrity Verification of the Filesystem Realm.
IntersectionPermissionCollection |
IntersectionRoles |
IntNameSetPermissionCollection |
InvalidAuthenticationConfigurationException |
An exception thrown to indicate that the client authentication configuration is invalid.
InvalidPermissionClassException |
An exception which is thrown when an invalid permission class is instantiated.
IssuerAlternativeNamesExtension |
IteratedHashPasswordSpec |
A PasswordSpec for a password represented by a hash with an iteration count or cost.
IteratedPasswordAlgorithmParametersSpiImpl |
An implementation of the AlgorithmParametersSpi SPI, in order to support encoding and decoding of
password algorithm parameters.
IteratedPasswordAlgorithmSpec |
Algorithm parameter specification for password types with an iteration count.
IteratedSaltedHashPasswordSpec |
A PasswordSpec for a password represented by a hash with a salt and a iteration count or cost.
IteratedSaltedPasswordAlgorithmParametersSpiImpl |
An implementation of the AlgorithmParametersSpi SPI, in order to support encoding and decoding of
password algorithm parameters.
IteratedSaltedPasswordAlgorithmSpec |
Algorithm parameter specification for common hashed password types.
JaasSecurityRealm |
JaasSecurityRealm.JaasAuthorizationIdentity |
A JAAS realm's authorization identity.
JaasSecurityRealm.JaasSecurityRealmDefaultCallbackHandler |
Default CallbackHandler passed to the LoginContext when none is provided to JAAS security realm and none is configured in the "auth.login.defaultCallbackHandler" security property.
JdbcSecurityRealm |
Security realm implementation backed by a database.
JdbcSecurityRealmBuilder |
JDKSpecific |
JsonSecurityEventFormatter |
A formatter for security events that converts events into JSON strings.
JsonSecurityEventFormatter.Builder |
A builder for JSON security event formatter.
JsonSerialization |
Utility class to handle simple JSON serialization for OpenID Connect.
JsonUtil |
Utilities for JSON manipulation.
JsonWebKeySet |
A class that represents a JSON Web Key set.
JsonWebKeySetUtil |
Utility methods for JSON Web Key Sets.
JsonWebToken |
Representation of a JSON Web Token, as per RFC 7519.
A class that represents a JSON Web Key.
JWK.Use |
JwkManager |
Object for caching RSA JSON Web Keys for signature validation
JwkManager.CacheEntry |
JWKParser |
A JWK parser.
JWKPublicKeyLocator |
A public key locator that dynamically obtains the public key from an OpenID
provider by sending a request to the provider's jwks_uri when needed.
JWKUtil |
Utility methods for use with JSON Web Keys.
JWTClientCredentialsProvider |
Client authentication based on JWT signed by client private key.
JWTClientSecretCredentialsProvider |
Client authentication based on JWT signed by a client secret instead of a private key.
JwtValidator |
JwtValidator.Builder |
KeyAgreement |
The key agreement type for SSL/TLS cipher suite selection.
KeyAgreementCipherSuitePredicate |
KeyManagerCredentialSaslServerFactory |
KeyMapper |
A key mapper is responsible to map data from a column in a table to a specific credential type.
KeyPairCredential |
A public/private key pair credential.
KeyStoreBackedSecurityRealm |
KeyStoreCredentialSource |
KeyStoreCredentialStore |
A flexible credential store which is backed by a key store.
KeyStoreCredentialStore.BottomEntry |
KeyStoreCredentialStore.Hold |
KeyStoreCredentialStore.MidEntry |
KeyStoreCredentialStore.ParamKey |
KeyStoreCredentialStore.TopEntry |
KeyStoreEntrySecurityFactory |
KeyStoreFactory |
A factory for creating KeyStore instances.
KeyStoreUtil |
Utility functions for manipulating KeyStores.
KeyStoreUtil.ResettableDataFileInputStream |
KeyUsage |
The various key usage types.
KeyUsageExtension |
KeyUtil |
Key utility methods.
KeyUtil |
Key utility methods.
KeyUtil.KeyClonerCreator |
LdapGeneralizedTimeUtil |
LDAP timestamp (Generalized time as defined in RFC 4517) util
LdapKeyStore |
LdapKeyStore.Builder |
LdapKeyStoreSpi |
LdapSecurityRealm |
Security realm implementation backed by LDAP.
LdapSecurityRealm.IdentityMapping |
LdapSecurityRealmBuilder |
Builder for the security realm implementation backed by LDAP.
LdapUtil |
Utilities for LDAP attributes manipulation.
LegacyConfiguration |
An interface which allows legacy configuration to take place if no Elytron client configuration is present in the
global configuration.
LegacyPropertiesSecurityRealm |
A SecurityRealm implementation that makes use of the legacy properties files.
LegacyPropertiesSecurityRealm.AccountEntry |
LegacyPropertiesSecurityRealm.Builder |
A builder for legacy properties security realms.
LegacyPropertiesSecurityRealm.LoadedState |
LegacyRealmListSaslServerFactory |
LevelCipherSuitePredicate |
LinkedProperties |
A properties map that is backed by a type-checked linked hash map.
LocalKerberosCredentialSource |
LocalKerberosCredentialSource.Builder |
A builder for a local kerberos credential source.
LocalPrincipalSaslClientFactory |
A delegating SASL client factory whose instances can track and return the assumed principal used for authentication.
LocalPrincipalSaslClientFactory.ClientPrincipalQueryCallbackHandler |
LocalUserClient |
LocalUserClientFactory |
LocalUserSaslFactory |
Base class for the JBOSS-LOCAL-USER SASL mechanism.
LocalUserServer |
LocalUserServerFactory |
LoginPermission |
Establish whether the current identity has permission to complete an authentication ("log in").
LogoutError |
Common marker interface when there is an OIDC related logout error.
LongNameSetPermissionCollection |
LRURealmIdentityCache |
LRURealmIdentityCache.CacheEntry |
MapAttributes |
A map-backed attributes collection.
MapAttributes.EntriesList |
MapCredentialStore |
A map-backed credential store implementation.
MappedRegexRealmMapper |
A simple mapping regular expression-based realm mapper.
MappedRoleMapper |
A simple mapping role mapper.
MappedRoleMapper.Builder |
A builder for map backed role mappers.
MappedRoles |
MaskCommand |
Mask Command
This command is used for creation of masked password strings.
MaskedPassword |
A password which has been masked, PicketBox style.
MaskedPasswordAlgorithmParametersSpiImpl |
An implementation of the AlgorithmParametersSpi SPI, in order to support encoding and decoding of
password algorithm parameters.
MaskedPasswordAlgorithmSpec |
An algorithm specification for a two-way password which is masked.
MaskedPasswordImpl |
MaskedPasswordSpec |
A password specification for a two-way password which is masked.
MatchAbstractTypeAuthorityRule |
MatchAbstractTypeRule |
MatchHostRule |
MatchNetworkRule |
MatchNoUserRule |
MatchPathRule |
MatchPortRule |
MatchRule |
A rule used for deciding which authentication configuration to use.
MatchSchemeRule |
MatchSchemeSpecificPartRule |
MatchUserRule |
MechanismAuthenticationFactory<M,F,E extends Exception> |
A generalized mechanism factory which authenticates against a security domain.
MechanismAuthenticationFactory.Builder<M,F,E extends Exception> |
MechanismConfiguration |
A configuration that applies to an authentication mechanism.
MechanismConfiguration.Builder |
A builder for authentication mechanism configuration.
MechanismConfigurationSelector |
A selector to choose which MechanismConfiguration to use based on information know about the current authentication
MechanismDatabase |
MechanismDatabase.Entry |
MechanismInformation |
Information about the current mechanism being used for authentication.
MechanismInformationCallback |
MechanismProviderFilteringSaslClientFactory |
A SASL client factory which filters mechanisms based on the combination of mechanism name and security provider.
MechanismProviderFilteringSaslServerFactory |
A SASL server factory which filters mechanisms based on the combination of mechanism name and security provider.
MechanismRealmConfiguration |
A configuration for a single mechanism realm.
MechanismRealmConfiguration.Builder |
A builder for mechanism realm configuration.
MechanismUtil |
Utils to be used by authentication mechanism (SASL or HTTP) implementations.
MechanismUtil |
ModifiableRealmIdentity |
A realm identity which is modifiable.
ModifiableRealmIdentityIterator |
An iterator over realm identities.
ModifiableSecurityRealm |
A realm which can be modified.
ModifyTrackingKeyStore |
A KeyStore implementation that tracks if it's contents have been modified through the API since the last load / save.
ModifyTrackingKeyStoreSpi |
ModularCrypt |
Helper utility methods for operation on passwords based on the Modular Crypt Format(MCF).
ModularCrypt.ModCryptBase64Alphabet |
ModuleLoader |
Utility class to load a module.
MutableNameRewriter |
A delegating name rewriter with a mutable delegation target.
NameConstraintsExtension |
NameConstraintsExtension.GeneralSubtree |
A general subtree for a name constraint.
NamePrincipal |
A principal which is comprised of a simple String name.
NameRewriter |
A name rewriter.
NameSetPermissionCollection |
A permission collection for permissions with a finite set of names, which is based on a simple bit set.
NetworkUtils |
Utility methods related to networking.
NodesRegistrationManagement |
Used for clustering with Keycloak.
NodesRegistrationManagement.NodeRegistrationContext |
NonceManager |
A utility responsible for managing nonces.
NonceManager.NonceState |
NoPermission |
A permission which implies nothing, not even itself.
NoPermissionCollection |
NotCipherSuitePredicate |
NullSecurityFactory<T> |
NumericPrincipal |
A principal which is represented by a numeric ID, such as what a database might use for a primary key.
OAuth2Client |
OAuth2CredentialSource |
Deprecated. |
OAuth2CredentialSource.Builder |
OAuth2InitialClientMessage |
OAuth2IntrospectValidator |
OAuth2IntrospectValidator.Builder |
OAuth2SaslClient |
An OAuth2 Sasl Client based on RFC-7628.
OAuth2SaslClientFactory |
OAuth2SaslServer |
An OAuth2 Sasl Server based on RFC-7628.
OAuth2SaslServerFactory |
OAuth2Server |
An OAuth2 Sasl Server based on RFC-7628.
Oidc |
Constants and utility methods related to the OpenID Connect HTTP mechanism.
Oidc.AuthOutcome |
Oidc.ClientCredentialsProviderType |
Oidc.EnvUtil |
Replaces any ${} strings with their corresponding system property.
Oidc.SSLRequired |
Oidc.TokenStore |
OidcAccount |
OidcAuthenticationMechanism |
OidcClientConfiguration |
The OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration for a client application.
OidcClientConfiguration.RelativeUrlsUsed |
OidcClientConfigurationBuilder |
Builder for the OpenID Connect (OIDC) configuration for a client application.
OidcClientConfigurationResolver |
An interface that can be used to resolve the configuration needed for the OpenID
Connect HTTP authentication mechanism.
OidcClientContext |
OidcClientContext.OidcClientConfigurationDelegate |
This delegate is used to store temporary, per-request metadata like request resolved URLs.
OidcConfigurationServletListener |
A ServletContextListener that parses the OIDC configuration and sets the configuration
as a ServletContext attribute in order to provide to OidcAuthenticationMechanism a way
to obtain the configuration when processing requests.
OidcCookieTokenStore |
OidcException |
Exception to indicate a general failure related to the OpenID Connect HTTP mechanism.
OidcHttpFacade |
OidcHttpFacade.Request |
OidcHttpFacade.Response |
OidcJsonConfiguration |
Configuration for Java based adapters
OidcMechanismFactory |
OidcPrincipal<T extends OidcSecurityContext> |
OidcProviderMetadata |
OidcRequestAuthenticator |
OidcSecurityContext |
Available in secured requests under HttpServletRequest.getAttribute().
OidcSecurityRealm |
OidcSessionTokenStore |
OidcTokenStore |
OidsUtil |
OIDs to attribute name and back conversion utility.
OidsUtil.Category |
Category of mapping - determine context of the mapping
OneRole |
OneTimePassword |
A one-time password, used by the OTP SASL mechanism.
OneTimePasswordAlgorithmParametersSpiImpl |
An implementation of the AlgorithmParametersSpi SPI, in order to support encoding and decoding of
password algorithm parameters.
OneTimePasswordAlgorithmSpec |
Algorithm parameter specification for one-time password types as defined in RFC 2289.
OneTimePasswordImpl |
OneTimePasswordSpec |
A PasswordSpec for a one-time password as defined in RFC 2289.
OneTimeSecurityFactory<T> |
A SecurityFactory implementation which calls delegated factory at first and
returns created object for any other create call.
OneWayPassword |
A password which can be verified but not recovered.
OptionalNameCallback |
A NameCallback which is optional, for mechanisms that can accept a name from the server.
OrCipherSuitePredicate |
Constants for the OTP SASL mechanism.
OtpCredentialLoader |
A CredentialLoader for loading OTP credentials stored within defined attributes of LDAP entries.
OTPSaslClient |
SaslClient for the OTP SASL mechanism as defined by
RFC 2444.
OTPSaslClientFactory |
The client factory for the OTP SASL mechanism.
OTPSaslServer |
SaslServer for the OTP SASL mechanism as defined by
RFC 2444.
OTPSaslServerFactory |
The server factory for the OTP SASL mechanism.
OTPUtil |
ParameterCallback |
A callback used to acquire parameter specifications, either for outbound or inbound authentication.
ParametricPrivilegedAction<T,P> |
A privileged action which accepts a parameter.
ParametricPrivilegedExceptionAction<T,P> |
A privileged action which accepts a parameter and can throw an exception.
Password |
A password key.
PasswordBasedEncryptionUtil |
Password Based Encryption utility class for tooling.
PasswordBasedEncryptionUtil.Builder |
Builder class to build PasswordBasedEncryptionUtil class with all necessary parameters to support
password based encryption algorithms.
PasswordCredential |
A credential for password authentication.
PasswordDigestObtainer |
Utility class used to obtain username+realm+password using SASL/HTTP mechanism callbacks
PasswordEntry |
A password keystore entry.
PasswordFactory |
A factory for passwords.
PasswordFactorySpi |
The SPI for password factories to implement.
PasswordFactorySpiImpl |
The Elytron-provided password factory SPI implementation, which supports all the provided password types.
PasswordGuessEvidence |
A piece of evidence that is comprised of a password guess.
PasswordKeyMapper |
A KeyMapper that knows how to map columns from a SQL query to attributes of specific Password type
as defined by the algorithm.
PasswordKeyMapper.Builder |
A builder for PasswordKeyMapper instances.
PasswordKeyStoreSpi |
A password file formatted KeyStore implementation.
PasswordResetCallback |
A callback used when a password reset is required.
PasswordSpec |
A password specification object.
PasswordUtil |
Helper utility methods for operations on passwords.
PasswordUtil |
PeerIdentity |
A peer's authenticated identity.
PeerIdentity.Configuration |
The opaque configuration to apply to a peer identity.
PeerIdentityContext |
A peer identity context.
PeerPrincipalCallback |
An optional callback to inform the callback handler of the peer's principal identity.
Pem |
A class containing utilities which can handle the PEM format.
PemEntry<T> |
An entry in a PEM file or stream.
PeriodicRotatingFileAuditEndpoint |
An audit endpoint which rotates the log at a preset time interval.
PeriodicRotatingFileAuditEndpoint.Builder |
A builder for periodic rotating file audit endpoints.
PeriodicRotatingFileAuditEndpoint.Period |
Possible period values.
Permission |
PermissionActions |
PermissionActions.Info<E> |
PermissionActions.IntMatchAction<E extends Enum<E>> |
PermissionActions.LongMatchAction<E extends Enum<E>> |
PermissionActions.MatchAction<E extends Enum<E>> |
PermissionActions.SetMatchAction<E extends Enum<E>> |
PermissionActions.TrieNode<E> |
PermissionMappable |
An entity to which permissions can be mapped.
PermissionMapper |
A permission mapper is responsible to enable permission mapping to a SecurityDomain
in order to obtain and check permissions based on an previously authorized identity and any other authorization information (eg.: roles)
associated with it.
PermissionUtil |
General permission utility methods and constants.
PermissionVerifier |
An interface for objects that can verify permissions.
PermissionVerifierPermissionCollection |
PKCS10CertificateSigningRequest |
A PKCS #10 certificate signing request defined in RFC 2986 as:
PKCS10CertificateSigningRequest.Builder |
A Builder to configure and generate a PKCS10CertificateSigningRequest .
PlainSasl |
The PLAIN SASL mechanism as described in RFC 4616.
PlainSaslClient |
The PLAIN SASL client implementation.
PlainSaslClientFactory |
The PLAIN SASL mechanism client factory implementation.
PlainSaslServer |
PlainSaslServerFactory |
The server factory for the plain SASL mechanism.
PolicyConstraintsExtension |
PolicyMappingsExtension |
PolicyMappingsExtension.PolicyMapping |
A single policy mapping.
PrincipalAuthorizeCallback |
An authorization callback similar to javase AuthorizeCallback
but using a generic principal.
PrincipalDecoder |
A decoder for extracting a simple name from a principal.
PrivilegedSaslClient |
A SaslClient which evaluates challenges and wrap/unwrap requests in an privileged context.
PrivilegedSaslClientFactory |
A SaslClientFactory whose SaslClient instances evaluate challenges and wrap/unwrap requests in a
privileged context.
PrivilegedSaslServer |
A SaslServer which evaluates responses and wrap/unwrap requests in an privileged context.
PrivilegedSaslServerFactory |
A SaslServerFactory whose SaslServer instances evaluate challenges and wrap/unwrap requests in a
privileged context.
PrivilegedServerMechanism |
PrivilegedServerMechanismFactory |
ProgrammaticSingleSignOnCache |
An implementation of IdentityCache to provide SSO for programmatic authentication.
ProgrammaticSingleSignOnCache.SSOHttpServerRequest |
An implementation of HttpServerRequest which can be used with the {link SingleSignOnSessionFactory}.
PropertiesCredentialStore |
PropertiesCredentialStore.Lock |
PropertiesSaslClientFactory |
A SaslClientFactory that allows properties to be added to a delegate SaslClientFactory .
PropertiesSaslServerFactory |
A SaslServerFactory allowing the user to add properties
PropertiesServerMechanismFactory |
Protocol |
The protocol type for SSL/TLS cipher suite selection and protocol selection.
ProtocolCipherSuitePredicate |
ProtocolSaslClientFactory |
A SaslClientFactory which sets the protocol name to a fixed value, disregarding the passed in value.
ProtocolSaslServerFactory |
A SaslServerFactory which sets the protocol name to a fixed value, disregarding the passed in value.
ProtocolSelector |
An immutable filter for SSL/TLS protocols.
ProtocolSelector.AddingProtocolSelector |
ProtocolSelector.FullyDeletingProtocolSelector |
ProtocolSelector.RemovingProtocolSelector |
PublicKeyCredential |
A public key credential.
PublicKeyLocator |
An interface to locate the public key for an OpenID provider.
QueryBuilder |
A builder class with different configuration options to configure queries.
QueryConfiguration |
Holds the configuration for a specific query.
QueryParameterTokenRequestAuthenticator |
RawBCryptPassword |
RawBSDUnixDESCryptPassword |
RawClearPassword |
RawDHPrivateKey |
RawDigestPassword |
RawDSAPrivateKey |
RawECPrivateKey |
RawKey |
RawMaskedPassword |
RawOneTimePassword |
RawPassword |
RawPBEKey |
RawPrivateKey |
RawRSAMultiPrimePrivateCrtKey |
RawRSAPrivateCrtKey |
RawRSAPrivateKey |
RawSaltedSimpleDigestPassword |
RawScramDigestPassword |
RawSecretKeyFactory |
RawSimpleDigestPassword |
RawSunUnixMD5CryptPassword |
RawUnixDESCryptPassword |
RawUnixMD5CryptPassword |
RawUnixSHACryptPassword |
ReadEnvironmentPropertyAction |
A security action which reads an environment property.
ReadPropertyAction |
A privileged action for reading a system property.
RealmAbandonedAuthenticationEvent |
An event indicating that authentication was abandoned before it could complete.
RealmAccessClaim |
Representation of a realm access claim.
RealmAuthenticationEvent |
A realm authentication event.
RealmAuthorizationEvent |
A realm authorization event.
RealmDefiniteOutcomeAuthenticationEvent |
An authentication event with a definite outcome.
RealmEvent |
An event which is potentially relevant to a realm.
RealmEventVisitor<P,R> |
A class which provides an easy way to handle realm events based on the type of the event.
RealmFailedAuthenticationEvent |
A realm event signifying a failed authentication.
RealmIdentity |
A representation of a pre-authentication identity.
RealmIdentityAuthorizationEvent |
An event indicating that one identity attempted to authorize as another identity.
RealmIdentityCache |
RealmIdentityFailedAuthorizationEvent |
An event indicating that one identity attempted to authorize as another identity.
RealmIdentitySuccessfulAuthorizationEvent |
An event indicating that one identity attempted to authorize as another identity.
RealmInfo |
Holds the reference to a SecurityRealm and the configuration associated with it.
RealmMapper |
A realm mapper.
RealmNestedPrincipal |
A principal type which is used to find a specific identity in a specific realm.
RealmSuccessfulAuthenticationEvent |
A realm event signifying authentication success.
RealmUnavailableException |
An exception to indicate a general underlying failure of the realm.
ReauthenticationException |
A run-time exception indicating that a reauthentication was required for an operation, but the reauthentication
failed, preventing the operation from proceeding.
RefreshableOidcSecurityContext |
RegexNameRewriter |
A simple regular expression-based name rewriter.
RegexNameValidatingRewriter |
A regular expression-based name validation rewriter.
RegexRoleMapper |
A pattern role mapper.
RegexRoleMapper.Builder |
RegexRoles |
A regex roles.
ReplacePropertyAction |
A privileged action for setting a system property only if it is set to another value.
RequestAuthenticator |
Rfc3164SyslogEvent |
A security audit event indicating that a log with RFC 3164 syslog format is occurring
Rfc5424SyslogEvent |
A security audit event indicating that a log with RFC 3164 syslog format is occurring
RoleDecoder |
A decoder to extract role information from an identity's attributes.
RoleMapper |
A role mapper is responsible for mapping roles based on their raw form.
Roles |
A collection of roles.
RSAParameterSpec |
Algorithm parameter specification for RSA keys.
RSAParameterSpiImpl |
RSAPublicJWK |
RuleConfigurationPair |
RuleNode<T> |
RunAsPrincipalPermission |
The permission to run as another principal within some security domain.
SaltedHashPasswordSpec |
A PasswordSpec for a password represented by a hash with a salt.
SaltedPasswordAlgorithmParametersSpiImpl |
An implementation of the AlgorithmParametersSpi SPI, in order to support encoding and decoding of
password algorithm parameters.
SaltedPasswordAlgorithmSpec |
Algorithm parameter specification for salted hashed password types.
SaltedSimpleDigestPassword |
A simple password where the generated digest also includes a salt.
SaltedSimpleDigestPasswordImpl |
SaslAuthenticationFactory |
A SASL server factory configuration.
SaslAuthenticationFactory |
SaslAuthenticationFactory.Builder |
A builder for SASL server factory configurations.
SaslAuthenticationFactory.Builder |
A builder for SASL server factory configurations.
SaslAuthenticationInterruptedException |
SaslFactories |
A utility class for discovering SASL client and server factories.
SaslMechanismInformation |
A collection of predicates and other information which can be used to filter SASL mechanisms.
SaslMechanismInformation.Names |
SaslMechanismPredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.AllOrNonePredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.AllPredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.AnyPredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.BooleanPredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.ExactPredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.FamilyPredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.HashPredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.IfPredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.MultiPredicate |
SaslMechanismPredicate.NotPredicate |
SaslMechanismSelector |
A selection specification for SASL client or server mechanisms.
SaslMechanismSelector.AddMatchingSelector |
SaslMechanismSelector.AddSelector |
SaslMechanismSelector.EmptySelector |
SaslMechanismSelector.ForbidMatchingSelector |
SaslMechanismSelector.ForbidSelector |
SaslMechanismSelector.Tokenizer |
SaslWrapper |
SaslWrappers |
Utility methods for SASL wrappers.
Scope |
Enumeration of the available scopes during HTTP request handling.
Scoped |
An identity configuration which can be applied on a scoped basis.
ScramClient |
ScramDigestPassword |
A SCRAM-digest password, used by the SCRAM family of SASL mechanisms.
ScramDigestPasswordImpl |
ScramFinalClientMessage |
ScramFinalServerMessage |
ScramInitialClientMessage |
ScramInitialServerMessage |
ScramInitialServerResult |
ScramMechanism |
ScramSaslClient |
ScramSaslClientFactory |
ScramSaslServer |
ScramSaslServerFactory |
ScramServer |
ScramServerErrorCode |
This enum lists server error codes for SCRAM authentication mechanism.
ScramServerException |
A SCRAM server-side exception with an error code.
ScramUtil |
ScramUtil |
SecretKeyCredential |
A secret key credential.
SecretKeyUtil |
Utility methods for operating on SecretKey instances.
SecurityAuthenticationEvent |
A security authentication event.
SecurityAuthenticationFailedEvent |
An event to represent a failed authentication.
SecurityAuthenticationSuccessfulEvent |
An event to represent a successful authentication.
SecurityDefiniteOutcomeEvent |
A SecurityEvent that has a definite outcome of being successful or not.
SecurityDomain |
A security domain.
SecurityDomain.Builder |
A builder for creating new security domains.
SecurityDomain.RealmBuilder |
A builder for a realm within a security domain.
SecurityDomain.ScheduledExecutorServiceProvider |
SecurityDomainTrustManager |
SecurityEvent |
SecurityEventVisitor<P,R> |
An abstract class to be extended by visitor implementations for handling SecurityEvents.
SecurityFactory<T> |
A factory for preconfigured security objects.
SecurityIdentity |
A loaded and authenticated security identity.
SecurityIdentityCallback |
A server-side callback used to pass a realm identity from the callback handler to the authentication mechanism.
SecurityIdentitySaslServerFactory |
A SASL server factory which makes the authenticated SecurityIdentity available to the caller.
SecurityIdentityServerMechanismFactory |
SecurityIdentityServerMechanismFactory |
SecurityIdentityServerMechanismFactory.SecurityIdentityCallbackHandler |
SecurityIdentityServerMechanismFactory.SecurityIdentityCallbackHandler |
SecurityLayerDisposedCallback |
A callback which indicates that the corresponding security layer (SASL client, SASL server, etc.) has been disposed
and any related resources may be relinquished.
SecurityLevel |
The security level setting for SSL/TLS cipher suite selection.
SecurityMessages |
SecurityMessages |
SecurityPermissionCheckEvent |
A security event relating to a permission check.
SecurityPermissionCheckFailedEvent |
An event to represent a failed permission check.
SecurityPermissionCheckSuccessfulEvent |
An event to represent a successful permission check.
SecurityProviderSaslClientFactory |
A SaslClientFactory which uses the currently installed security providers to acquire a delegate
SaslClientFactory .
SecurityProviderSaslServerFactory |
A SaslServerFactory which uses the currently installed security providers to acquire a delegate
SaslServerFactory .
SecurityProviderServerMechanismFactory |
SecurityRealm |
A single authentication realm.
SecurityRealmUnavailableEvent |
A security event signifying unavailable realm.
SecurityVaultData |
SelectingContext |
Implemented by SSLEngine instances that support selection of an alternative engine.
SelectingServerSSLEngine |
SelfSignedX509CertificateAndSigningKey |
A self-signed X.509 certificate and the private key used to sign the certificate.
SelfSignedX509CertificateAndSigningKey.Builder |
A Builder to configure and generate a SelfSignedX509CertificateAndSigningKey .
SerializedPermission |
SerializedPermissionCollection |
ServerAuthenticationContext |
Server-side authentication context.
ServerAuthenticationContext.CompleteState |
ServerAuthenticationContext.State |
ServerCredentialCallback |
A callback used to acquire the server (or "host") credential.
ServerMechanismFactoryImpl |
Deprecated. |
ServerNameSaslClientFactory |
A SaslClientFactory which sets the server name to a fixed value, disregarding the passed in value.
ServerNameSaslServerFactory |
A SaslServerFactory which sets the server name to a fixed value, disregarding the passed in value.
ServerRequest |
ServerRequest.HttpFailure |
ServerSaslWrapper |
A SaslWrapper which encapsulates a SaslServer .
ServiceLoaderSaslClientFactory |
ServiceLoaderSaslServerFactory |
ServiceLoaderServerMechanismFactory |
SetContextClassLoaderAction |
A security action to get and set the context class loader of the current thread.
SetContextClassLoaderFromClassAction |
A security action to get and set the context class loader of the current thread.
SetMechanismInformationMechanismFactory |
SetMechanismInformationSaslServerFactory |
SetSystemPropertiesAction |
A security action which replaces the system properties map.
SHA512_256MessageDigest |
SHA-512/256 hashing implementation as defined in FIPS PUB 180-4 Secure Hash Standard
SimpleActionBitsPermissionCollection |
A trivially simple permission collection, suitable as a default for most permission types (though probably not as efficient
as a specialized type in many cases).
SimpleAttributesEntry |
SimpleDigestPassword |
A simple single digest based password.
SimpleDigestPasswordImpl |
SimpleDirContextFactoryBuilder |
A simple builder for a DirContextFactory which creates new contexts on demand and disposes of them as soon as they
are returned.
SimpleHttpServerCookie |
SimpleMapBackedSecurityRealm |
Simple map-backed security realm.
SimplePermissionCollection |
A trivially simple permission collection, suitable as a default for most permission types (though probably not as efficient
as a specialized type in many cases).
SimplePermissionMapper |
SimplePermissionMapper.Builder |
A builder for simple permission mappers.
SimplePermissionMapper.Mapping |
SimplePermissionMapper.MappingMode |
Mode defining behaviour when multiple mappings are found.
SimpleRealmEntry |
A simple in-memory password-based entry for basic realm implementations.
SimpleRegexRealmMapper |
A simple regular expression-based realm mapper.
SimpleSecurityEventFormatter |
A formatter for security events that converts events into human-readable strings.
SimpleSecurityEventFormatter.Builder |
A builder for simple security event formatter.
SingleSignOn |
A cached single sign-on entry.
SingleSignOnConfiguration |
The relevent configuration for SingleSignOn.
SingleSignOnEntry |
Single sign-on cache entry.
SingleSignOnManager |
SingleSignOnServerMechanismFactory |
SingleSignOnServerMechanismFactory.SingleSignOnConfiguration |
Deprecated. |
SingleSignOnSession |
Represents a single sign-on session.
SingleSignOnSessionContext |
SingleSignOnSessionFactory |
SizeRotatingFileAuditEndpoint |
An audit endpoint which rotates the log when log file size reach given value.
SizeRotatingFileAuditEndpoint.Builder |
A builder for size rotating file audit endpoints.
SNIContextMatcher |
SNIContextMatcher.Builder |
SNISSLContext |
SNISSLContextSpi |
SSLContext that can be used to do SNI matching.
SNISSLEngine |
SNISSLExplorer |
Instances of this class acts as an explorer of the network data of an
SSL/TLS connection.
SNISSLExplorer.ExtensionInfo |
SNISSLExplorer.UnknownServerName |
SocketAddressCallback |
An optional callback which is used to inform the callback handler of the endpoint addresses of a connection being
SocketAddressCallback.Kind |
Endpoint disposition kinds.
SocketAddressCallbackSaslClientFactory |
SocketAddressCallbackSaslServerFactory |
SocketAddressCallbackServerMechanismFactory |
SocketAddressQueryCallbackHandler |
A callback handler which delegates to another callback handler, passing the local and/or peer socket address to that
callback handler on its first invocation.
SortedMechanismClientServerFactory |
SortedMechanismSaslServerFactory |
SortedServerMechanismFactory |
SourceAddressRoleDecoder |
A decoder to obtain role information using the source IP address runtime attribute from the identity.
SpnegoAuthenticationMechanism |
SpnegoAuthenticationMechanism.SpnegoContext |
SpnegoMechanismFactory |
SSHCredential |
A credential holding the location, key identity and passphrase (instance of Credential ) of a Private key in an external
file and/or the name of the file containing the known hosts
SSHCredential.Builder |
A builder for SSHCredential.
SSLCallback |
A callback which provides information to the callback handler about the established SSLSession.
SSLConfigurator |
A configurator for SSL contexts and their produced objects.
SSLConfiguratorImpl |
SSLConnection |
An SSL connection of some sort.
SSLConnectionInformation |
Information about the SSL connection currently being built.
SSLContextBuilder |
A class which allows building and configuration of a single client- or server-side SSL context.
SSLContextSelector |
A selector which chooses an SSL context based on connection information.
SSLExplorer |
Instances of this class acts as an explorer of the network data of an
SSL/TLS connection.
SSLExplorer.ExtensionInfo |
SSLExplorer.SSLConnectionInformationImpl |
SSLExplorer.UnknownServerName |
SSLQueryCallbackHandler |
A callback handler which delegates to another callback handler, passing the authentication's SSL/TLS information to that
callback handler on its first invocation.
SSLSaslClientFactory |
A SASL client factory which provides information about the security layer of the connection to the callback handler.
SSLSaslServerFactory |
A SASL server factory which provides information about the security layer of the connection to the callback handler.
SSLUtils |
SSL factories and utilities.
StackInspector |
A utility class which is useful for inspecting the call stack.
StringEnumeration |
An indexed enumeration of strings.
StringEnumeration.Data |
StringMapping<T> |
An efficient mapping of enumerated strings to some other object.
StringPrep |
Preparation of Internationalized Strings ("stringprep") by RFC 3454
StringPropertyReplacer |
A utility class for replacing properties in strings.
StringPropertyReplacer.PropertyResolver |
SubjectAlternativeNamesExtension |
SubjectDirectoryAttributesExtension |
SubjectInformationAccessExtension |
SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension |
SunUnixMD5CryptPassword |
An MD5-crypt password using the Sun scheme.
SunUnixMD5CryptPasswordImpl |
Implementation of the Sun variant of the Unix MD5 Crypt password.
SupportLevel |
The different support levels.
SyslogAuditEndpoint |
An audit endpoint that logs to syslog server.
SyslogAuditEndpoint.Builder |
A builder for syslog audit endpoint.
SyslogAuditEvent |
An abstract class to be extended by specific syslog audit events to be handled.
SystemPropertiesJsonParserFactory |
Provides replacing of system properties for parsed values
SystemPropertiesJsonParserFactory.SystemEnvProperties |
SystemPropertiesJsonParserFactory.SystemPropertiesAwareJsonParser |
ThreadLocalSSLSocketFactory |
TLSServerEndPointChannelBinding |
Utilities for handling the "tls-server-end-point" channel binding strategy used by various types
of authentication mechanisms.
TLSServerEndPointChannelBindingSaslClientFactory |
A SASL client factory which implements the tls-server-end-point channel binding algorithm.
TLSServerEndPointChannelBindingSaslServerFactory |
A SASL server factory which implements the tls-server-end-point channel binding algorithm.
TokenSecurityRealm |
TokenSecurityRealm.Builder |
TokenValidator |
TokenValidator |
TokenValidator.AtHashValidator |
TokenValidator.AzpValidator |
TokenValidator.Builder |
TokenValidator.TypeValidator |
TokenValidator.VerifiedTokens |
TransformationMapper |
TransformationMapper interface is used to map cipher tokens specified in various SASL mechanisms to transformation string used by JCE to construct new cipher algorithm.
TransformationSpec |
Data class used by TransformationMapper instances to return desired mapping data.
TruncatedMessageDigest |
A message digest that truncates another message digest.
TrustedAuthoritiesCallback |
An optional callback used to retrieve information about trusted certificate authorities
for authenticating peers.
TrustedAuthority |
A representation of a trusted certificate authority.
TrustedAuthority.CertificateTrustedAuthority |
A trusted authority that is identified by its certificate.
TrustedAuthority.HashTrustedAuthority |
A trusted authority that is identified by a hash.
TrustedAuthority.IssuerKeyHashTrustedAuthority |
A trusted authority that is identified by the hash of its public key.
TrustedAuthority.IssuerNameHashTrustedAuthority |
A trusted authority that is identified by the hash of its name.
TrustedAuthority.NameTrustedAuthority |
A trusted authority that is identified by its name.
TrustedAuthority.PKCS15KeyHashTrustedAuthority |
A trusted authority that is identified by the PKCS #15 key hash.
TrustManagerSaslServerFactory |
A SaslServerFactory which sets the trust manager that should be used for trust verification.
TwoWayPassword |
A password which can be verified and recovered.
UnionPermissionCollection |
UnionRoles |
UnixDESCryptPassword |
The traditional UNIX DES crypt password algorithm.
UnixDESCryptPasswordImpl |
UnixMD5CryptPassword |
The UNIX modular-crypt MD5 crypt algorithm.
UnixMD5CryptPasswordImpl |
Implementation of the Unix MD5 Crypt password.
UnixSHACryptPassword |
The UNIX modular-crypt SHA crypt algorithm.
UnixSHACryptPasswordImpl |
UnmodifiableKeyStore |
A wrapper around KeyStore to make it unmodifiable.
UnmodifiableKeyStoreSpi |
UnsupportedCredentialTypeException |
An exception indicating that given credential store is not supporting particular Credential class.
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationMechanism |
A base class for HTTP mechanisms that operate on validation of plain text usernames and passwords.
UsernamePasswordHashUtil |
UserPasswordCredentialLoader |
A CredentialLoader for loading credentials stored within the 'userPassword' attribute of LDAP entries.
UserPasswordPasswordUtil |
A password utility for LDAP formatted passwords.
VaultCommand |
Command to perform conversion from former Vault storage to Credential Store (KeyStoreCredentialStore).
VaultCommand.Descriptor |
VaultCredentialStore |
Credential store implementation which uses the legacy "vault" format.
VaultObjectInputStream |
VaultObjectOutputStream |
Version |
The version of this JAR.
VersionedProvider |
A security provider which uses a string version, forward compatible with Java 9.
WildFlyElytronBaseProvider |
The base Provider implementation for security services made available by Elytron.
WildFlyElytronClientDefaultSSLContextProvider |
Provider that loads Elytron client configuration and provides default SSLContext which can be returned with SSLContext.getDefault() call.
WildFlyElytronClientDefaultSSLContextProvider.ClientSSLContextProviderService |
WildFlyElytronClientDefaultSSLContextSpi |
SSLContextSpi that is used by WildFlyElytronClientDefaultSSLContextProvider
WildFlyElytronCredentialStoreProvider |
Provider for credential store implementations.
WildFlyElytronDigestProvider |
Provider for Digest implementations.
WildFlyElytronDigestProvider |
WildFlyElytronHttpBasicProvider |
Provider for the HTTP BASIC authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronHttpBasicProvider |
WildFlyElytronHttpBearerProvider |
Provider for the HTTP Bearer authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronHttpBearerProvider |
WildFlyElytronHttpClientCertProvider |
Provider for the HTTP CLIENT_CERT authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronHttpClientCertProvider |
WildFlyElytronHttpDigestProvider |
Provider for the HTTP DIGEST authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronHttpDigestProvider |
WildFlyElytronHttpExternalProvider |
Provider for the HTTP External authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronHttpFormProvider |
Provider for the HTTP FORM authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronHttpFormProvider |
WildFlyElytronHttpOidcProvider |
Provider for the HTTP OpenID Connect authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronHttpSpnegoProvider |
Provider for the HTTP SPNEGO authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronHttpSpnegoProvider |
WildFlyElytronKeyProvider |
Provider for key implementations.
WildFlyElytronKeyStoreProvider |
Provider for KeyStore implementations.
WildFlyElytronPasswordProvider |
Provider for password implementations.
WildFlyElytronProvider |
Deprecated. |
WildFlyElytronSaslAnonymousProvider |
Provider for the Anonymous SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslDigestProvider |
Provider for the Digest SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslEntityProvider |
Provider for the Entity SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslExternalProvider |
Provider for the External SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslGs2Provider |
Provider for the GS2 SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslGssapiProvider |
Provider for the GSSAPI SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslLocalUserProvider |
Provider for the JBOSS-LOCAL-USER SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslOAuth2Provider |
Provider for the OAuth2 SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslOTPProvider |
Provider for the OTP SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslPlainProvider |
Provider for the Plain SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlyElytronSaslScramProvider |
Provider for the SCRAM SASL authentication mechanism.
WildFlySasl |
The core WildFly SASL utilities.
WildFlySecurityManager |
The security manager.
WildFlySecurityManager.Context |
WildFlySecurityManagerPermission |
A permission specific to the WildFly security manager.
WildFlySecurityManagerPermissionCollection |
Deprecated. |
WrappingPasswordKeyStore |
A KeyStore which can store TwoWayPassword instances by wrapping another KeyStore which can store
SecretKey instances.
WrappingPasswordKeyStoreSpiImpl |
WrappingX509ExtendedTrustManager |
WritePropertyAction |
A privileged action for setting a system property.
WritePropertyIfAbsentAction |
A privileged action for setting a system property if it is absent.
WriteSecurityPropertyAction |
A security action which sets a security property.
X500 |
Useful X500 constants and utilities.
X500AttributePrincipalDecoder |
A principal decoder which decodes an attribute from an X.500 principal.
X500AttributePrincipalDecoder |
X500AttributeTypeAndValue |
An X.500 directory attribute, which is comprised of an attribute type OID and a single values, whose type is
defined by the attribute type.
X500DirectoryAttribute |
An X.500 directory attribute, which is comprised of an attribute type OID and zero or more values, whose types are
defined by the attribute type.
X500PrincipalBuilder |
A builder for X.500 principals, defined in RFC 5280 as:
X500PrincipalUtil |
A utility class for easily accessing details of an X500Principal .
X500SubjectEvidenceDecoder |
An evidence decoder that derives the principal that should be associated with the given
X509PeerCertificateChainEvidence from the subject from the first certificate in
the given evidence, as an X500Principal .
X509CertificateBuilder |
A builder for X.509 certificates.
X509CertificateChainAndSigningKey |
An X.509 certificate chain and private key.
X509CertificateChainCredential |
A credential which contains an X.509 certificate chain.
X509CertificateChainPrivateCredential |
A credential containing a private key and an X.509 certificate chain.
X509CertificateChainPublicCredential |
A credential containing an X.509 certificate chain.
X509CertificateExtension |
An X.509 certificate extension.
X509CRLExtendedTrustManager |
X509EvidenceVerifier |
X509EvidenceVerifier.CertificateVerifier |
Object allowing to verify X509 certificate against information from LDAP
X509EvidenceVerifier.DigestCertificateVerifier |
X509EvidenceVerifier.EncodedCertificateVerifier |
X509EvidenceVerifier.SerialNumberCertificateVerifier |
X509EvidenceVerifier.SubjectDnCertificateVerifier |
X509PeerCertificateChainEvidence |
A piece of evidence that is comprised of a verified peer certificate chain.
X509RevocationTrustManager |
Extension to the X509TrustManager interface to support OCSP and CRL verification.
X509RevocationTrustManager.Builder |
X509SubjectAltNameEvidenceDecoder |
An evidence decoder that derives the principal that should be associated with the given
X509PeerCertificateChainEvidence from an X.509 subject alternative name from the
first certificate in the given evidence.